
Proofreading Package

Providing meticulous attention to detail and enhancing the quality and professionalism of your manuscript. A detailed read through of your manuscript focusing on spelling and grammar, making any corrections before publication.

Copy Editing Package

Making sure your manuscript is clear, concise, consistent and correct, helping you to get the best reader experience from your narrative.

Premium Proofreading and Editing Package

A professional copy editing service followed by a round of proofreading. Each package can be tailored to the individual needs of the author.

Beta Reading

A readers eye view of your manuscript, I will provide feedback on plot, character development, pacing, consistency, writing style, dialogue and structure. I will provide subjective suggestions on how to improve your narrative for a better reader experience.

“Embracing the complexities of your narrative is where the magic unfolds, allowing your platform to grow alongside it. Strive to capture the essence of the present moment, as the future will naturally fall into place. It always does.”

— Source of Wisdom

Refine your written work with expert guidance